Dev License: This installation of WHMCS is running under a Development License and is not authorized to be used for production use. Please report any cases of abuse to

إعداد الطلب

تكوين الخيارات المطلوبه والاستمرار في عملية الدفع.


CPU : AMD Opteron™(8 Cores, 8x 2.3 GHz)

RAM : 32 GB DDR3

Hard Drive : 2x 250 SSD (97,000 IOPS)

Bandwidth: 100mbit Port Unlimited/MONTH

IP Addresses : 1 usable IPv4 Addres

Additional IP addresses : up to 3 more possible

Management : UnManaged

FREE Setup : Yes

إعدادات الخادم
خيارات المنتج

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